Transformation processes in domestic media-education in the period of “perestroika”

Transformation processes in domestic media-education in the period of “perestroika”

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Автор: Елена Мурюкина, Виктория Войченко, Елена Дебердеева

Форматы: PDF

Издательство: DirectMedia

Год: 2022

Место издания: Moscow

ISBN: 978-5-4499-3041-5

Страниц: 82

Артикул: 103626

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In the monograph the results of the analysis of transformation processes in the domestic media-education in the period of “Perestroyka” are presented. The author considers the following questions: the preconditions of reforming of educational system in the USSR in 1984-1991; changes of methodological principles of domestic media-education in the period of perestroika; classification of media-educational models of the USSR; bases and contents of media-educational models on TV; educational TV; radio. Carried out researches allowed to formulate and present the generalized theoretical media-educational models realized in schools, and also in higher and leisure establishments during the perestroika period in the USSR; the content of media-educational activity in out-of-school establishments; to reveal the spectrum of crossing of media-education of the perestroika period and the present; to formulate recommendations for using the media-educational experience of the perestroika period in modern schools, universities, leisure centers. The monograph is intended for teachers of higher education, undergraduate and graduate students, postgraduate students, as well as for a wide range of readers interested in the history of pedagogy, media education, media and information competence.

Содержание книги "Transformation processes in domestic media-education in the period of “perestroika”"

CHAPTER 1. Theoretical Foundations of Media Education in the Perestroyka period
1.1 Transformation of theoretical and methodological foundations of Russian media education of the period of “Perestroyka” (1984 – 1991)
1.2 Characteristic features of media education in the USSR during of the period of “Perestroyka”
1.3 The Integration of Western Ideas in Soviet Media Education (1984-1991)
CHAPTER 2: Generalized Theoretical Media Education Model of the period of “Perestroyka”
2.1 Media education model on the tv material of the period of “Perestroyka” in USSR
2.2 Generalized theoretical model of school media education of the period of “Рerestroyka” (1984 - 1991) in the Soviet Russia
2.3 The synthesized theoretical model of national media education at higher education and leisure institutions in 1984 – 1991 (the period of “Perestroyka”)
CHAPTER 3: Domestic Media Education in the Perestroyka and Modern periods: A Spectrum of Intersection
3.1 A Comparative Analysis of Domestic Media Education in the period of «Perestroyka» (1984 - 1991) and the Modern Period

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Отрывок из книги Transformation processes in domestic media-education in the period of “perestroika”

30 CHAPTER 2: Generalized Theoretical Media Education Model of the рeriod of “Perestroyka” 2.1 Media education model on the tv material of the рeriod of «Perestroyka» in USSR A distinctive feature of media education during the period of “Рerestroyka” in the USSR was the expansion of understanding of mediatext in pedagogical work with young students. It should be noted that since the 1920s of the 20th century, the Soviet educa-tional system has used the full potential of the mass media (cinema-tography, press, grammar, radio, photography), with the help of which the tasks of education, political literacy, education, upbring-ing of schoolchildren were solved. Since the post-war period, film education has become more widespread in the country, as evi-denced by the numerous experiences of media teachers – O. A. Bar-anov, I. V. Weisfeld, E. N. Goryukhina, I. S. Levshina, S. M. Odintsova, S. N. Penzin, G. A. Polichko. Other mass media were used to the smallest extent and mainly as means to achieve a practical goal – to master the skills of using technical means (camera, film camera, printing press, etc.). Only during perestroika did media teachers reconsider their views on potential educational and training opportunities contained in various media texts. We will consider the media education model on the material of television synthesized by us in the course of studying the works of G. Y. Vlaskina and O. F. Nechai. It should be noted that the views of media teachers on the nature of television come from TV pro-grams aired during of the period of “Рerestroyka”. The target char-acteristics of television, its tasks, functions and potential in the upbringing and education of the younger generation are also related to that. Methodological basis of media education on the material of television. Among the domestic and foreign works on the problems of communication the media te...

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