Экзамены играючи

Экзамены играючи = Playing exams

Автор: Елена Филимонова, Айсылу Рюкова, Дина Валиева

Форматы: PDF

Издательство: ФЛИНТА

Год: 2018

Место издания: Москва

ISBN: 978-5-9765-4028-6

Страниц: 138

Артикул: 80986

Возрастная маркировка: 16+

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Краткая аннотация книги "Экзамены играючи"

Данное пособие представляет собой коллекцию игр для подготовки к международным экзаменам (напр. IELTS, TOEFL), а также к единому государственному экзамену по английскому языку. Кроме того, большое количество игр можно применять для закрепления грамматических и лексических навыков учащихся. Книга состоит из четырех частей, в каждой из которых рассматривается одно из языковых умений (Listening, Reading, Writing, Speaking), а также навыки, которыми необходимо овладеть для успешной сдачи экзаменов. Для овладения языковыми умениями предлагается подборка игр с подробным описанием подготовки и хода игры, в конце книги предлагаются ксерокопируемые материалы. Каждая игра занимает от 10 до 30 минут и может быть использована на заключительном этапе урока, либо как повторение пройденного материала. В конце пособия предлагается наглядная структура изложения материала, которая помогает преподавателю подобрать необходимую игру в соответствие с академическими требованиями. Книга рассчитана на преподавателей, готовящих к сдаче экзаменов, учеников старших классов и студентов ВУЗов, а также всех, интересующихся английским языком и игровой формой его изучения.

Содержание книги "Экзамены играючи"

About the book
Skill 1. One-time listening
Game: Guess who
Skill 2. Multiple-choice questions
Game: Bang game
Skill 3. Transformation in multiple-choice questions
Game: Ring the bell
Skill 4. Option selection
Game: Crazy stories
Skill 5. Multiple choice
Game: Secret Phrase
Skill 6. Matching
Game: Definitions exchange
Skill 7. Map labelling
Game: Where am I
Skill 8. Map labelling vocabulary
Game: What is it
Skill 9. Matching factual data
Game: How often
Skill 10. Note completion
Game: Back to Back
Skill 11. Form completion
Game: Who is who
Skill 12. Table completion
Game: What happened
Skill 13. Sentence completion
Game: Spelling Challenge
Game: Teacher Knows Better
Skill 14. Short answer questions
Game: A Cat in the Hat
Skill 15. Only relevant information
Game: Odd ones out
Skill 16. Summary meaning
Game: It makes sense!
Skill 17. Flow-chart content anticipation
Game: Can you do it
Game: What else
Skill 18. Flow-chart completion
Game: What are you talking about
Skill 19. Synonyms focus
Game: Synonym bingo
Skill 20. Key words focus
Game: That’s the key info!
Skill 1. Multiple choice
Game: In other words
Skill 2. Identifying information
Game: False turn
Game: Upside down
Game: No idea
Game: Catch me if you can
Skill 3. Identifying writer’s views/ claims
Game: On the other hand
Skill 4. Matching headings
Game: The best editor
Game: Editors battle
Game: What's in the news
Skill 5. Matching features
Game: That is all about
Skill 6. Sentence completion
Game: Fit in
Skill 7. Summary completion
Game: The main point
Skill 1. Accuracy and fluency
Game: Running Dictation
Game: Fast writing
Skill 2. Vocabulary and grammar accuracy
Game: Synonyms
Game: Abracadabra
Game: Add adjectives!
Skill 3. Summarizing and selecting important information
Game: Approximation
Skill 4. Making questions
Game: What? Where? When
Skill 5. Reading the information of diagrams
Game: Exactly!
Skill 6. Describing a process
Game: In the process
Skill 7. Paraphrasing
Game: Dictogloss
Skill 8. Obtaining coherence and cohesion
Game: Invisible story
Skill 1. Explain your answers by giving reasons to what you say
Game: Yes/No game
Game: Arguments Round
Skill 2. Use linkers
Game: Tell me more
Game: Appropriate or not
Skill 3. Answer questions using different tenses and verb forms / range of time frames
Game: Grammar battle
Game: Will, have, does, etc
Skill 4. Spontaneous speaking
Game: No break
Skill 5. The use of a variety of lexical units
Game: Ideas Expert
Game: Just once
Game: Just once (integrated)
Game: The most sincere interview
Skill 6. Describing pictures
Game: Keep talking
Skill 7. Argumentation
Game: Brainstorming
Game: Debate
Skill 8. Speaking fluency
Game: One-minute talk
Game: Associations
Printout Materials
Game “Guess who?”
Game “Bang game”
Game: Ring the bell
Game: Crazy stories
Game “Secret Phrase”
Game: Definitions exchange
Game: Where am I
Game: What is it
Game: How often
Game: Back to Back
Game: Who is Who
Game: Spelling Challenge
Game: What happened
Game: Teacher knows better
Game: A cat in the hat
Game: Odd ones out
Game: It makes sense!
Game: Can you do it? , What else
Game: What are you talking about
Game: Synonym Bingo
Game: That’s the key info!
Game: In other words
Game: False Turn
Game: Upside down
Game: No idea
Game: Catch me if you can
Game: On the other hand
Game: The best editor
Game: Editors battle
Game: What’s in the news
Game: That is all about
Game: Fit in
Game: The main point
Game: The main point
Game: Running Dictation
Game: Fast writing
Game: Synonyms
Game: Abracadabra
Game: Add Adjectives
Game: Approximation
Game: What? Where? When
Game: Exactly!
Game: In the Process
Game: Yes/No Game
Game: Arguments Round
Game: Tell me more
Game: Appropriate or not
Game: Will, have, does, etc
Game: No break
Game: Ideas Expert
Game: Just once integrated
Game: The most sincere interview
Game: Keep talking
Game: Brainstorming
Game: Debate
Game: One-minute talk
Checklists for games: False Turn, Upside Down, No idea, On the other hand
Book Structure
Exams Correlation list

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Отрывок из книги Экзамены играючи

8 ExamGamesPhotocopiable The game can be played between the teacher and a student or between students competing in their goal to guess more words than the opponent. Students get the list of synonymous words which they need to define and write down the definitions in their pads. For a weaker group the teacher may provide dictionaries. When they are ready they in turn read out definitions for the vocabulary units and their rival has to write down the number of the unit he/she thinks is being defined. Then they compare the lists and count correct matches. Cards can be compiled with any synonymous rows under study. Monitoring and feedback The game can be played as a review or to drill particular vocabulary. The content can be substituted with the lexis under study. Skill 7. Map labelling It is very important to locate yourself in the right place. Game: Where am I? One-time listening skill, introduction or review of vocabulary and structures of directions Type of activity Small groups, matching game, drilling and production, accuracy. About 15 min. Function practiced Listening comprehension, phonetic and memory training, introduction or general review of vocabulary. Materials and preparation Photocopy one map for each student; there are two maps for two games. Explain that the aim of the game is to be the first to locate the destination on the map; every dialogue is to be timed to see which student took it shorter to locate the destination. How to use the game The game can be played between the teacher and a student or between students competing in their goal to locate more places than the opponent. In bigger groups students work in groups of three: 2 students do the talking and the third monitors the time. Before the game the students mark 5 locations to describe to the partner. Students in turn describe their location using active vocabulary: on t...