Word Smart в упражнениях

Word Smart в упражнениях

Автор: Анна Самигуллина

Форматы: PDF

Издательство: ФЛИНТА

Год: 2019

Место издания: Москва

ISBN: 978-5-9765-3929-7

Страниц: 148

Артикул: 81026

Возрастная маркировка: 16+

Электронная книга

Краткая аннотация книги "Word Smart в упражнениях"

Цель пособия - создание дополнительных возможностей для учащихся в плане освоения аудио-курса Word Smart Vocabulary Building Program. В пособие включены упражнения переводного характера, упражнения для закрепления словообразовательных особенностей лексических единиц, упражнения на заполнение пропусков, а также упражнения на соотнесение дефиниции c ключевой лексической единицей. Пособие состоит из 14 разделов, что соответствует количеству групп слов, покрываемых аудио-курсом.
Для студентов старших курсов языковых вузов.

Содержание книги "Word Smart в упражнениях"

Section 1. All or Nothing
Section 2. I Love You — I Hate You
Section 3. The Naughty And The Nice
Section 4. The Long And The Short
Section 5. The Mighty And The Meek
Section 6. You Help Me Then You Hurt Me
Section 7. True or False
Section 8. From The Sublime to The Ridiculous
Section 9. Something Old, Something New
Section 10. Alone or Together
Section 11. Now You See It, Now You Don’t
Section 12. The More Things Change, The More They Stay The Same
Section 13. Park and Ride
Section 14. Shadows and Light
List of References

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Отрывок из книги Word Smart в упражнениях

44Task 5.2. Listen to the text and fill in the gaps using the words from the list above.COMMANDER: Welcome to the US army. Look this way! This country may be a democracy but the army is not. You’ll have no say in what happens here. The place is run by me and me only. This is an 1) ___________ of the first order. You may dislike the way I manipulate the soldiers, you may even call me a 2) ___________. Fine, I am. I’ll tell you right now, I enjoy being the king of this place and in the 30 years I’ve served, I think I’ve earned to behave in an 3) ___________ manner. I’m in control, I’m 4) ___________. Don’t let that scare you, get you down! Do not be 5) ___________ by the prospect of living and working under my control. If you follow the rules and stay out of trouble, I assure you I shall not 6) ___________ you unfairly. Give me no sass, do not talk back, and by no means, do not patronize me. I’ll not tolerate 7) ___________ behaviour. Now, there are many chores to be done, so let me begin by 8) ___________ various duties among the lot of you.THE MEEK — WORDSTask 5.3. Listen to the recording and pay attention to the definitions and examples provided.servile — submissive, subservient, slavish;e.g. Cat lovers sometimes say the dogs are too servile: they follow their owners everywhere and slobber all over them at every opportunity.e.g. The horrible boss demanded servility from his employees. When he said jump he expected them to ask how high.servilitysycophant — a self-serving flatterer, servile to people with power;sycophantic — fawning, ingratiating;e.g. The French class seem to be full of sycophants. The students were always bringing apples to the teacher and telling her how nice she looked.e.g. The exasperated boss finally fired his sycophantic secretary because he couldn’t stand being around someone who never disagreed.