Social security for family and child in Kazakhstan

Social security for family and child in Kazakhstan : theoretical and practical issues

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Автор: Y. Buribayev, Z. Khamzina

Форматы: PDF

Издательство: Biblio-Globus

Год: 2017

Место издания: Moscow

ISBN: 978-5-9909916-7-5

Страниц: 126

Артикул: 79080

Электронная книга

Краткая аннотация книги "Social security for family and child in Kazakhstan"

The monograph has been prepared as part of the research work within the grant of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan "Recommendations, proposals to improve the quality of legal regulation of social rights, guarantees for family and child within implementation of the new social policy in the Republic of Kazakhstan".

Содержание книги "Social security for family and child in Kazakhstan"

Symbols and abbreviations
Main part
Chapter 1. Proposals for improving the legal regulation of social protection of family and child
Chapter 2. General concept of social standards of family and child
Chapter 3. Governance problems in the field of social protection of family and child
Chapter 4. Study of the internal legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and international acts prevailing the domestic law in the aspect of identifying the problems of implementation of international standards of social protection of family and child in Kazakhstan
Chapter 5. Foreign experience in the possibilities of implementing social standards
Chapter 6. Constitutional and legal support to ensure the social rights of family and child

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Отрывок из книги Social security for family and child in Kazakhstan : theoretical and practical issues

54 3. Rates of social norms and standards remain at a low level, the question of its revision is under discussion over the last dozen years or more, which determines low level of guaranteed social security until now. 4. There is no unified management system in the Republic of Kazakhstan coordinated at the level of social valuation; not all areas of social rate setting in the Republic of Kazakhstan are supported by appropriate legislative framework. These provisions determine the need for further work within improvement of social rate setting in our country. Adjustment is also needed to the procedure of rate settings. First of all it concerns the calculation of basic rates, which include the subsistence level and minimum wage. A subsistence level shall be defined based on the internationally accepted practice of reporting the minimal boundaries of adequate nutrition level and at the same time consider traditional features of Kazakhstan concerning particular products consumption. Calculations shall be based on scientifically based standards developed by experts concerning balanced consumption of basic foodstuff, providing the body with a certain amount of energy required for its development. Formation of the food basket of subsistence level for different groups of the population shall be subject to the requirements concerning: full satisfaction of the basic needs as for nutrients and energy in all socio-demographic groups of the population; providing the opportunities to diversify the diet with a minimum value of the basket; content of the basket shall be similar to set of food traditionally consumed by the population of Kazakhstan. In addition to the cost of food, the structure of the subsistence level includes non-food products costs. These costs shall include costs of mandatory services, taxes and other obligatory payments, while the composition and volume of non-food expenditures and paid services shall be determined separately for the able-bodied population, ...

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