Russian Society in the Context of Crisis Realities

Russian Society in the Context of Crisis Realities : internal and External Factors

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Автор: Mikhail Gorshkov

Форматы: PDF

Издательство: Весь Мир

Год: 2017

Место издания: Москва

ISBN: 978-5-7777-0692-8

Страниц: 95

Артикул: 24650

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Краткая аннотация книги "Russian Society in the Context of Crisis Realities"

The book provides summaries of the main results and findings of the three-year national sociological monitoring survey of the state and dynamics of Russians' mass consciousness in the face of crisis and new challenges which manifested themselves in 2014-2016. It analyses consistently the impacts of socio-economic, political, ethno-religious and psychological contexts of the national everyday life, which influence adaptation of Russians to crisis conditions. Particular attention is given to socio-cultural and foreign policy issues of a qualitatively new social reality in which Russian society finds itself today. The book is designed for specialists and a general audience who wishes to acquaint themselves with the Russian reform process, as well as with its perception and reflection in mass consciousness and living practices of our co-citizens.

Содержание книги "Russian Society in the Context of Crisis Realities"

1. Research Strategy: a Matter of Defi nition
2. Acute Phase of the Crisis in the Minds and Behavior of Russians
3. Public Perception on Crisis Realities
4. Social Psychology and Economic Behavior of Russians under the Force of Circumstances
5. Post-Crisis State of Russian Public Opinion
6. Russians on International Status, Current State and the Future of the Country
Common Conclusions: Fundamental and Situational in Russian Society

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Отрывок из книги Russian Society in the Context of Crisis Realities : internal and External Factors

M. Gorshkov • RUSSIAN SOCIETY…60us to make signifi cant adjustments to the familiar notion that the behavioral patterns of modern Russians are based on the ideas of collectivism and individualism. As convincingly demonstrated by the sociological monitoring of the transformation processes in Russian society (including, but not limited, to the research carried out by IS RAS), Russians are no less individualistic than many citizens of developed countries. The social history of Russia over the past fi fty years has been inextricably intertwined with the mass motivation to transition to a «consumer society», and thus may be regarded as the history of individualistic values and of the way they developed and asserted themselves. It is evident that the crises that modern Russia has had to live through have not «dulled down» this trend; on the contrary, they have made it even more relevant.As the system of cultural norms and values drifts from collectivism to individualism, we can distinguish two opposing worldview models: activism and passivity. The followers of the fi rst model, dubbed «super activists» in IS RAS studies, are characterized by a high level of civic involvement and a strong sense of self-responsibility. Those who adheres to the second model, the so-called «everymen», tend to have a more inert and superfi cial stance on life1.According to the results of the study’s second and fourth waves, super activists are very committed to being self-suffi cient, standing up for themselves, and fi nding new things to learn (the overall share of such people among the respondents amounted 1 Sedova N.N. (2016) Zhiznennye prioritety: ot potrebnostej i interesov k dejstviyu [Life Priorities: From Needs and Interests to Actions]. In: Rossiiskoe obschestvo i vyzovy vremeni. Kniga 4 [Russian society and Challenges of the Time. Book Four] (2016) / Ed. by Gorshkov M.K., Petukhov V.V. Moscow: Izdatel’stvo Ves Mir: 105-130. (In Russ.)

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Общественные системы постсоветских республик на данном этапе находятся в "яме" маргинального состояния. Того самого, когда вышли из состояния советских республик, но так и не смогли стать новыми демократиями и молодыми капиталистическими "тиграми". Причины этого кроются не только и не столько в несовершенстве политических систем, сколько в неопределенности траекторий дальнейшего развития. Растрачивая остатки советского наследия, постсоветские общества сталкиваются с нарастающей волной кризисов, порождающих вызовы, на которые рано или поздно необходимо отвечать, делать тот или иной определяющий выбор. Подборка книг не только раскрывает вопросы причинно-следственных связей системных сбоев, кризисов, травм постсоветских обществ, но и дает возможности смоделировать ситуации дальнейшего развития, раскрывая вероятные варианты предотвращения нежелательных сценариев и использования наиболее эффективных инструментов для этого.

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