Satires. The Progress of the Soul (Metempsychosis). Verse Letters

Satires. The Progress of the Soul (Metempsychosis). Verse Letters

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Автор: John Donne

Форматы: PDF

Издательство: Директ-Медиа

Год: 2003

Место издания: Москва

ISBN: 9785998954689

Страниц: 154

Артикул: 11761

Печатная книга
Ожидаемая дата отгрузки печатного
экземпляра: 16.05.2024
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Содержание книги "Satires. The Progress of the Soul (Metempsychosis). Verse Letters"

Satire 1
Satire 2
Satire 3
Satire 4
Satire 5
Upon Mr Thomas Coryat's Crudities
The Progress of the Soul (Metempsychosis)
Verse Letters
The Storm
The Calm
To Mr B. B
To Mr C. B
To Mr S. B
To Mr E. G
To Mr I. L
To Mr I. L
To Mr R. W
To Mr R. W
To Mr R. W
To Mr R. W
To Mr Roland Woodward
To Mr T. W
To Mr T. W
To Mr T. W
To Mr T. W
To Sir Henry Goodyer
A Letter Written by Sir H. G. and J. D. alternis vicibus
To Sir Henry Wotton
To Sir Henry Wotton
To Sir Henry Wotton, at his going Ambassador to Venice
H. W. in Hibernia Belligeranti
To Sir Edward Herbert, at Juliers
To Mrs M. H
To the Countess of Bedford at New Year's Tide
To the Countess of Bedford
To the Countess of Bedford
To the Countess of Bedford
To the Countess of Bedford
To the Countess of Bedford
To the Lady Bedford
Epitaph on Himself
A Letter to the Lady Carey, and Mistress Essex Rich, from Amiens
To the Countess of Huntingdon
To the Countess of Huntingdon
To the Countess of Salisbury

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