Nominative Data in Demographic Research in the East and the West

Nominative Data in Demographic Research in the East and the West

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Форматы: PDF

Издательство: Ural University press

Год: 2019

Место издания: Ekaterinburg

ISBN: 978-5-7996-2656-3

Страниц: 226

Артикул: 100519

Электронная книга

Краткая аннотация книги "Nominative Data in Demographic Research in the East and the West"

The main aims with this book are to compare source materials, databases and research results, as well as creating new opportunities for collaboration in the field of social and population history in the East and the West. All the contributions are based on nominative source material, mainly censuses and vital records, which have been preserved, scanned, transcribed into databases in order to be used for cross-sectional and longitudinal research. The chapters in the first part of this book mostly focus on the construction of nominative databases in Germany, Spain and Romania. The chapters in the second and third part are case studies on the relationship between marriage and fertility; mortality and fertility; marriage behavior and religion; urban mortality; migration, etc. made on the Russian, Austrian, Estonian, Hungarian and Norwegian databases.

Содержание книги "Nominative Data in Demographic Research in the East and the West"

Introduction: Demography and Databases in the East and the West. Gunnar Thorvaldsen, Elena Glavatskaya, Mikolaj Szoltysek
Part 1. Demographic Data
Chapter 1. Troublesome Riches: Genealogical data as sources for historical demography in Germany. Georg Fertig
Chapter 2. The Baix Llobregat (BALL) Demographic Database, between Historical Demography and Computer Vision (nineteenth–twentieth centuries). Joana Maria Pujades-More, Alícia Fornés, Josep Lladós, Gabriel Brea-Martínez, Miquel Valls-Fígols
Chapter 3. Integrating Nominative Data on the Orthodox and Greek Catholic Clergy in Modern Transylvania: An Outline. Marius Eppel, Oana Sorescu-Iudean
Part 2. Family and Fertility
Chapter 4. Marital fertility in Albania during WWI. Siegfried Gruber
Chapter 5. Entering the reproductive phase of life: first marriages in Zsámbék, Hungary (1720–1945). Péter Őri
Chapter 6. The Influence of Childhood Mortality on Subsequent Fertility During the Demographic Transition. Mark Gortfelder
Chapter 7. Religion and marriage in early 20th century Ekaterinburg, Russia: a microdata analysis. Elena Glavatskaya, Alexander Bobitsky, Elizaveta Zabolotnykh, Anastasia Vishnevskaya
Chapter 8. Urban and rural families in late 18th century Saint Petersburg province according to the 5th tax revision (revizskie skazki). Maria Markova
Part 3. Migration and Mortality
Chapter 9. Internal migration in 19th and 20th century Norway. An overview 1865 to 1960. Gunnar Thorvaldsen
Chapter 10. Deaths in a city: a view from the 19th century church registers in Norway. Hilde L. Sommerseth, Evelien C. Walhout
Chapter 11. Infant mortality in the late 19th and early 20th century Urals: macro and micro analyses. Dmitrii Bakharev, Elena Glavatskaya
List of the contributors

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