Concept of Interdisciplinary Training for Master and PhD students in Human Security

Concept of Interdisciplinary Training for Master and PhD students in Human Security

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Форматы: PDF

Издательство: Ural University press

Год: 2016

Место издания: Ekaterinburg

ISBN: 978-5-7996-1798-1

Страниц: 50

Артикул: 96786

Возрастная маркировка: 16+

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Краткая аннотация книги "Concept of Interdisciplinary Training for Master and PhD students in Human Security"

The book delivers the Concept of Interdisciplinary Training (CIT) for Master and PhD students in Human Security that has been developed in frame of the TEMPUS project “Human Security (environment, quality of food, public health and society) on Territories Contaminated by Radioactive Agents”. The material presented is aimed to university teachers and students that are active in the areas of environment, quality of food, public health and society to enhance the human safety. the ideas and approaches could be of the wide public interests, too. This project has been funded with support from the European Commission within the framework of the Tempus Project “Human Security (environment, quality of food, public health and society) on the Territories Contaminated by Radioactive Agents”. This publication reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.

Содержание книги "Concept of Interdisciplinary Training for Master and PhD students in Human Security"

The aim
The outcome
CIT for MSc
General approach
The topics for CP
Skill improvement
CIT specific approaches and modules
CIT for PhD
The guidelines for the Belarus universities
MSc students’ training
PhD students’ training in the field of the human security (HS)
The guidelines for the universities of Russia
The background for CIT in Russia
CIT for universities of Russia
PhD training
The recommendations for the Ural Federal University as the typical example
The guidelines for the universities of Ukraine
The background for CIT in Ukraine
The recommendations for the Zhytomyr State Technological University and Sevastopol National University of Nuclear Energy and Industry
The recommendations for the Kyiv International University and Vinnitsya National Medical University

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Отрывок из книги Concept of Interdisciplinary Training for Master and PhD students in Human Security

20as State program to overcome the consequences of the Chernobyl disaster for 2011–2015 and for the period until 2020.Specialty 1-23 80 07 “Political Science” in accordance with OKRB 011-2009 “Specialties and qualifications” refers to the profile of edu-cation “Communications, Law, Economy, Management. Economics and Industrial Engineering” and provides a master’s degree in political science.Planning volume of a student auditory and self-study work is con-ducted in accordance with requirements of the educational standard for the specialty 1-23 80 07 “Political Science” (ESHE 1-23 80 07-2012).In order to implement CIT and tasks of the project two new disciplines can be included into the curriculum as disciplines of cycle of special training courses (component of higher education institutions) — “Pro-cesses of decision-making to ensure the safety of human life” and “Pro-cesses of implementing decisions to ensure the safety of human life”.Introduction of the discipline “Processes of decision-making to ensure the safety of human life” will provide formation of system of know-ledge concerning processes of political decisions adoption to ensure human activity on territories of radioactive pollution both on national, and on international levels; formation of the student identity as a citi-zen, ecologically educated, with the developed ecological thinking; cre-ation of the strong knowledge base in the field of a state policy, human life security on territories of radioactive pollution on the basis of study-ing achievements of world and national political thoughts; strengthen-ing the socially-oriented values, culture of rational decision-making.The discipline “Processes of implementing decisions to ensure the safety of human life” is aimed at understanding of basic ecological categories and problems related to radioactive contamination, the for-mation of the respective subject and operational competencies; devel-opment of sustainable int...

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