Understanding contemporary international relations

Understanding contemporary international relations = Современные международные отношения: как их понять

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Место издания: Москва

ISBN: 978-5-7281-3082-6

Страниц: 232

Артикул: 96754

Возрастная маркировка: 16+

Электронная книга

Краткая аннотация книги "Understanding contemporary international relations"

Учебник направлен на формирование у студента профессиональных навыков на иностранном языке и ознакомительного чтения по тематике, связанной с наиболее значимыми процессами в системе мировой политики и международных отношений, а также на расширение лексического запаса по международным вопросам и развитие навыков аргументирования собственной позиции и критического анализа информации. Для студентов высших учебных заведений по направлению подготовки «Политология», может быть также рекомендован для направлений «Журналистика», «Международные отношения» и «Зарубежное регионоведение».

Содержание книги "Understanding contemporary international relations"

Chapter 1. International Relations Theories
Chapter Outline
Pre-Reading Activity
Reading and Comprehension
Introduction: Defining International Relations
International Relations Theory
Theories of International Relations: from an American Science Towards a Pluralism of Thought
War, Democracy and Free Trade
The Basics of the English School
Non-Western Contributions
Why Don’t We Have Coherent Theories of International Relations About Globalization?
Theories, Practices and Postmodernism in International Relations
Возможно ли преодоление «войны парадигм»?
Moral Responsibility in International Relations: The US Response to Rwanda
Chapter 2. Globalization, Global Culture and Religion
Chapter Outline
Pre-Reading Activity
Reading and Comprehension
Getting over Globalization
Theories of Globalization
Good Governance and the Third World
Globalization and Cultural Identity Dilemmas
Globalization, Cultural Change and Religion
Terrorism, Self-defence and Third World Sovereignty
The Causes of Globalization. Part 1
The Causes of Globalization. Part 2
Rethinking Global Economic and Social Governance
Common Pool Resource Theory
The Political Ecology of Globalization
Who Benefits Most from Globalization?
Globalization via World Urbanization
Грядущая демографическая лавина
Globalization in the Age of Trump
Chapter 3. The United Nations and the Global Issues
Chapter Outline
Pre-Reading Activity
Reading and Comprehension
Theory in Practice: Examining the United Nations
The United Nations: Experts’ Perspective
Fixing International Security: Reforming the Security Council
Intervene or Not to Intervene
International Organizations
Robust Peacekeeping: A Necessary Evil?
Peacekeeping Training: Torn Between Complexity and Time
Current concept for the UN operations
Inequality and the 21st Century
Rethinking recovery: poverty chains and global capitalism
ООН в современном мире: проблемы, тенденции, перспективы
Bystanders for seven years – is the UN ready for a peacekeeping mission in Syria?
Chapter 4. Diplomacy, Public Diplomacy and Smart Power
Chapter Outline
Pre-Reading Activity
Reading and Comprehension
Regulating nuclear weapons
Broadening the Concept of Diplomacy
The Core Approach to Public Diplomacy
Integrative Diplomacy in the 21st Century
Public diplomacy
Reframing Cultural Diplomacy
Hard, Soft and Smart: Defining the Concepts
Soft and smart power
The Chinese Smart Power Strategy
«Мягкая сила» и «умная власть»
The US and Iran

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Отрывок из книги Understanding contemporary international relations : английский язык для политологов

25nated in the twentieth century, many realists look back much further. Indeed, realists have looked as far back as the ancient world, where they detected similar patterns of human behaviour as those evident in our modern world. Thomas Hobbes is of-ten mentioned in discussions of realism due to his description of the brutality of life during the English Civil War of 1642–1651. For realists, we live in a system of ‘international anarchy’. That is why war seems more common than peace to realists; indeed, they see it as inevitable. The thinking of the English school is often viewed as a middle ground between liberal and realist theories. Its theory involves the idea of a society of states existing at the interna-tional level. Hedley Bull, one of the core figures of the English school, agreed with traditional theories that the international system was anarchic. However, he insisted this does not mean the absence of norms (expected behaviours), thus claiming a so-cietal aspect to international politics. Constructivism is another theory commonly viewed as a middle ground, but this time between mainstream theories and the critical theories that we will explore later. It also has some familial links with the English school. Unlike scholars from ot-her perspectives, constructivists highlight the importance of va-lues and of shared interests between individuals who interact on the global stage. Alexander Wendt, a prominent constructi vist, described the relationship between agents (individuals) and structures (such as the state) as one in which structures not on-ly constrain agents but also construct their identities and inte-rests. However, if anarchy is what we make of it, then different states can perceive anarchy differently and the qualities of anar-chy can even change over time. International anarchy could even be replaced by a different system if an influential group of other individuals (and by proxy the states they represent) ac-cepted th...

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