Economics Is Your Choice

Economics Is Your Choice

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Автор: Клавдия Солодушкина

Форматы: PDF

Издательство: Антология

Год: 2005

Место издания: Санкт-Петербург

ISBN: 5-94962-106-9

Страниц: 416

Артикул: 58216

Возрастная маркировка: 16+

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Краткая аннотация книги "Economics Is Your Choice"

Пособие предназначено, главным образом, для тех, кто стоит на пороге выбора профессии, а также для тех, кто на данном этапе своей жизни изучает общеэкономические дисциплины и хочет расширить свой кругозор, а также свой словарный запас профессиональной лексики. В пособии представлены материалы, подобранные в основном из современных периодических изданий США и Великобритании. Имеющиеся в пособии разделы дают возможность читателю понять и прочувствовать те насущные проблемы в области бизнеса и экономики, решение которых может оказать огромное влияние на повседневную жизнь людей. "Economics Is Your Choice" может быть использовано как на занятиях с абитуриентами, так и со студентами I-II курсов экономических вузов. Оно может заинтересовать и тех читателей, кто хочет быть в курсе современных проблем в сфере экономики и бизнеса.

Содержание книги "Economics Is Your Choice"

Henry Ford(1863-1946)
Alfred P. Sloan Jr. (1876-1966)
Thomas J. Watson Jr. (1914-1993)
William H. Gates III (1955)
Russian Rockefellers
The Values Americans Live By
Tips on Work Etiquette in ... SEOUL
A Study of Cultural Differences
Negotiating with the Japanese
The USA - a Highly Developed Industrial Country
Economy of the USA
Economic Problems of the USA
The US and the World Economy
The World of American Business
International Interdependence
US Corporations and Other Business Structures
Labor Organisations and Labour Laws in the US
R & D in the US. Its Strengths and Challenges
Government Support of Day Care Urged
Personal Characteristics Affecting Consumer Behavior
The Set-Up of British Companies
How to Save the Family Business
A Balance of Work, Rest and Play
Women Still Facing Prejudice at Their Work, Survey Shows
Selection at Toyota
Profit Motives
What Is Hot Money?
What Are Exchange Rates?
The Safety Circle
The Long March Against Graft (Corruption in China)
Freedom of Access to Information
Shopping (Oh, Ecstasy of Ecstasies, Peach-skin Jeans!)
The Disadvantages of Maturity (a New Style for Japanese Management)
Family-Owned Businesses
Starting Work
Job Security
The People Aspects of Managing
Why Start Your Own Business?
Steps to Career/Life Planning Success
International Trade
How Does International Trade Function?
How Is Wealth Determined Around the World?
What Is NAFTA?
What Is the World Trade Organization?
What Are the Roots of Third World Poverty?
What Are the Origins of the Third World Debt?
Globalization (Concerted Action for a Global Problem)
Globalization (Forging Ever-Closer Links Is an Essential Part of Successful Globalization)
Financing for Development
The Economy of Japan
China (Economic Miracle)
RUSSIA (Economy, Ecology)
General Facts
The Present Day Economic Situation
Oil and Gas Underpinning the Russian Economy
Investment in Russia: Opportunities and Pitfalls
What Russia Wants (These Days)
Survival Code
Greenhouse Effect
Don't Waste It Exchange It
Dirty Business (China's Environmental Problems)
What Managers Actually Do
The Process of Management
Assessing What the Manager Is
A Distillation of Functions the Manager Performs
When a Manager Reaches Middle Age
What to Do When Your Boss Is a Woman
Every Manager Is a Forecaster
Elimination of the Superior-Subordinate Relationship
How to Invest in Social Capital
The Role of the Entrepreneur in the Economy
The Luxury of Longer Life
Sharing Out the Job
A Beggar in New York
A Second-Hand Car
A Miser
A Job in Mexico
When God Created Mothers
"Merry Christmas"
Did You Know?
Murphy's Law or Coincidence?
It Makes Parts - But Can It Make Happy Operators?
Pay Now and Live Later
Harvey Mackay's Short Course in Salesmanship
London's Financiers Reject the "Old Boy" Traditions
Feeling Shy
How Your Privacy Is Being Stripped Away
Seita Found Link in Smoker's Death
The Future of Mind Control
TEXT ORGANIZERS (Connectors and Sequence Markers)
EXERCISES (Textual Connectors and Sequence Markers)

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Отрывок из книги Economics Is Your Choice

commitment to I B M to buy company stock a tough boss owners of the stock options to promote sb T H O M A S J. WATSON JR. (1914-1993) had his father to thank for his start at I B M , but to earn his place i n the business pantheon, he had to fight the old man out o f the way. Watson Sr. was one o f the great entrepreneurs o f the first half o f the century. A sales genius, he persuaded businessmen to lay down their ledgers and trust their book-keeping to primitive accounting machines that used punch cards. He put I B M on the map. He gave the w o r l d the motto T H I N K . The elder Watson taught Tom his business secrets and, at the same time, second-guessed his son and challenged h i m i n operatic clashes. Computers were one o f their many flash points: Watson Sr. did not see much potential i n the US government's primitive E N I A C , a room-sized, pea-brained number cruncher that ran on unreliable vacuum tubes. In his view, a computer revolution might sweep across the scientific world, but i n the accounting room the punch card was going to stay on top. Y o u n g T o m saw things differently. He sensed the vast opportunity i n electronics and also a dire threat to I B M itself when big organizations began ordering Univac computers. Developing I B M ' s first computers meant doubling the R & D budget and hiring hundreds o f electronics engineers - steps it took years to persuade the o l d man to take. But by the time Watson Sr. handed over control i n 1956 - six weeks before his death - the computers his son had championed were the hottest product i n A m e r i c a n business. Watson Jr. was an intuitive leader, driven by the urgency o f keeping pace with the computer revolution. His I B M at its peak hired and assimilated tens o f thousands o f employees per year; Watson virtually wrote the book on managing fast, sustained, hugely profitable growth. The key, he understood, was speed: "The worst possible thing we could do [was]...

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