Enjoy Reading. Книга для чтения на английском языке в 8-м классе общеобразовательных учреждений

Enjoy Reading. Книга для чтения на английском языке в 8-м классе общеобразовательных учреждений

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Автор: Елена Чернышова

Форматы: PDF

Издательство: Антология

Год: 2012

Место издания: Санкт-Петербург

ISBN: 978-5-94962-180-6

Страниц: 288

Артикул: 58209

Возрастная маркировка: 12+

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Краткая аннотация книги "Enjoy Reading. Книга для чтения на английском языке в 8-м классе общеобразовательных учреждений"

Книга адресована юным читателям, которые любят чудеса и приключения, в ней представлены произведения Фрэнсиса Брета Гарта «Степной найдёныш», Эдгара Аллана По «Похищенное письмо» и «Тысяча вторая сказка Шехерезады», Томаса Майн Рида «Вольные стрелки» и Вальтера Скотта «Талисман». Здесь ребята смогут не только применить свои знания английского языка, но и познакомиться с новыми интересными героями произведений английской литературы.

Содержание книги "Enjoy Reading. Книга для чтения на английском языке в 8-м классе общеобразовательных учреждений"

Francis Bret Harte. The Waif of the Plains
Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Edgare Allan Poe. Selected Tales
The Purloined Letter
The Thousand-and-Second Tale of Scheherazade
Thomas Mayne Reid. The Rifle Rangers
Chapter I. The Land of Anahuaс
Chapter II. An Adventure among the Creoles of New Orleans
Chapter III. Life on the Island of Lobos
Chapter IV. Don Cosme Rosales
Chapter V. How We Got Our Mules
Chapter VI. The Rescue
Chapter VII. A Disappointment and a New Adventure
Chapter VIII. Captured by Guerilleros
Chapter IX. A Kiss in the Dark
Chapter X. That is not the End
Walter Scott. The Talisman
Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Final Task
My Vocabulary

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Отрывок из книги Enjoy Reading. Книга для чтения на английском языке в 8-м классе общеобразовательных учреждений

40Clarence’s heart sank. Twenty dollars! It was half his fortune.Nevertheless, with a heroic effort, he controlled himself, and with nervousfingers counted out the money. ‘The Commodore’s purse, gentlemen, is really a singular one. Permit me,’he said, taking it from Clarence’s hand with great politeness. ‘It is one of thenew pattern.’ He handed it to a man behind him, who in turn handed it toanother. It was presently handed back to the barkeeper, who had begged alsoto inspect it, and who insisted upon placing it himself in Clarence’s side pocket. Then the passengers hurriedly reseated themselves, and the episodeended. For the first time Clarence realised his utter unimportance in the worldand his inadequacy to this new life23. The heat caused him to fall asleep and when he awoke he found his twoneighbours had just got out at a wayside station. He missed them, for hewanted to talk to them about his relative at Sacramento, whom he was nowso soon to see. At last, between sleeping and waking, the end of his journeywas unexpectedly reached. Mr. Peyton had arranged that the stage-drivershould deliver Clarence at the address of his relative. But the boy wassurprised that it was a large office or banking-house. He, however, descendedfrom the stage, and with his small pack in his hand entered the building, and,addressing one of the busy clerks, asked for ‘Mr. Jackson Brant.’There was no such person in the office. There never had been any suchperson. The bank had always occupied that building. Jackson Brant wasunknown to every one. It was the sudden sense that HE himself had been deceived, tricked, andfooled! This was the culmination of a plan to GET RID OF HIM! Perhaps there was something of this in his face, for the clerk, staring athim, bade him sit down for a moment. ‘So you’ve been consigned to some one who don’t seem to turn up, andcan’t be found24, eh? Know anybody here?’ 23his utter unimportance in the world and his inadequacy to this new life– егополная ничтожност...

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