Английский язык для юристов

Английский язык для юристов

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Автор: Людмила Томашевская, Нина Колесникова

Форматы: PDF

Издательство: ФЛИНТА

Год: 2022

Место издания: Москва

ISBN: 978-5-89349-884-4

Страниц: 240

Артикул: 11368

Возрастная маркировка: 16+

Электронная книга

Краткая аннотация книги "Английский язык для юристов"

Пособие содержит страноведческие очерки о работе правоохранительных органов судебной, пенитенциарной системы Великобритании, США и статьи англоязычной периодики.Раскрыты следующие проблемы: интернационализация преступных связей и международное сотрудничество правоохранительных органов; рост насильственных преступлений в обществе и причины преступности; обеспечение личной безопасности граждан и др. Система коммуникативно направленных заданий готовит обучаемых к развернутому высказыванию, ролевой игре в режиме интервью и полилога. Обучающие переводные тесты трех видов можно использовать как ключ для организации самостоятельной работы дома, парной работы малой группы в аудитории, итогового контроля усвоения пройденного материала. Для студентов юридических факультетов и факультетов иностранных языков (уровень Intermediate, Upper Intermediate).

Содержание книги "Английский язык для юристов"

Part I. Law and Order in the USA
Методическая записка
American Legal System in Brief
Comprehension Test Section
Justice in America
In Praise of Rehab
Doing Soft Time
Lex Populi
Zero Intolerance
Race over Reason in the Jury Box
Capital Punishment in the U.S.A
The Tale of Two Ryans
Bribery Common in World's Richest Nation
«The Lawmen Armed and Positively Dangerous»
The Prying Game under New Rules
They Are Taking Back Their Neighborhood
World Banking System Is a «Money blunderers» Dream»»
New Attack on Money Laundering Launched Today
Cyberspace Fraud and Abuse
U.S.Cyber Cops Face Challenge
Stealing People Is Wrong
Dressed for Survival
Just a Minute
Killings Belie Fall in Crime by Children
Translation Tests I (Russian <> English)
Translation Tests II (English <> Russian)
Translation Tests III (Russian <> English)
Vocabulary Tests
Vocabulary Tests Keys
Part II. Law and Order in the UK
Методическая записка
British Legal System in Brief
Comprehension Test Section
Ail Eye for Cost-Effective Crime Prevention
Infiltration of Lloyd's by Crime Syndicates «Foiled»
ВТ Launches Fresh Attack on Phone Crime
Thieves Versus Retailers
A Taste for Fiction
I Love My Electronic Ball and Chain
Drug-Taking in Clubland? Just add Water
Girls Are Turning to Violent Crime
UK Fails to Throw Out 130,000 Migrants
The Last Frontier (Part 1)
The Last Frontier (Part 2)
Anything to Declare?
Translation Tests I (Russian <> English)
Translation Tests II (English <> Russian)
Translation Tests III (Russian <> English)
Vocabulary Tests
Vocabulary Tests Keys

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Отрывок из книги Английский язык для юристов

Part I 3. Тюрьмы являются рассадниками страшных болезней, that spread to the outside world. 4. Две трети заключенных, отбывших срок наказания, are rearrested within three years. 5. Выйдя н а свободу, н е р а с к а я в ш и е с я п р е с т у п н и к и start committing crimes again. C. From the land of second chances to the land of no hope Ex. 1С. Scan the paragraph about the aftercare system and treatment of ex-convicts in America to answer the questions below: 1. What deficiencies of parole system and aftercare are described in the article? 2. What rights are ex-convicts deprived of? 3. What rights do they retain/still enjoy? 4. What argument does the author of the article use to get across the message that America should be more lenient to ex-convicts? Rehabilitation has become something of a dirty word i n American debates about crime. Prisons over the world are fairly awful places, with a poor record of converting people from a life of crime. Even so, America's system seems peculiarly devised to ensure that prisoners re¬main criminals. To begin with, some rehabilitation projects — particularly drug treatment — seem to work. Yet America has slashed money for such schemes, often to pay for new prisons. One advantage of leaving some degree of discretion over sentencing to parole boards was that it obliged prisoners to prove that they were ready for outside life. This incentive has now gone. Outside prison, the aftercare system is even weaker. Many ex-cons are simply presented with a one-way bus ticket. The number of prisoners for each parole officer has risen by 50%. These deficiencies might all be described as failures of care. Worse still are those of discrimination. Trying to restart life as a felon is difficult for all sorts of reasons; i n America, the government loads on many more. There is a long list of jobs from which felons are banned, many of them having nothing to do with security. I n some cases they are denied housing benefit. And, of course, n...

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