Sibylline Leaves

Sibylline Leaves

Автор: Samuel Coleridge

Форматы: PDF

Издательство: Директ-Медиа

Год: 2003

Место издания: Москва

ISBN: 9785998932861

Страниц: 222

Артикул: 11706

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экземпляра: 09.05.2024
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Содержание книги "Sibylline Leaves"

1. Poems Occasioned by Political Events or Feelings Connected with Them
Ode to the Departing Year
France: an Ode
Fears in Solitude
Fire, Famine, and Slaughter
2. Love Poems
The Ballad of the Dark Ladie
The Picture
The Night-Scene
To an Unfortunate Woman
To an Unfortunate Woman at the Theatre
Lines Composed in a Concert-Room
The Keepsake
To a Lady
To a Young Lady
Something Childish, but Very Natural
Answer to a Child's Question
A Child's Evening Prayer
The Visionary Hope
The Happy Husband
Recollections of Love
On Revisiting the Sea-Shore
3. Meditative Poems
Hymn Before Sun-Rise
Lines Written in the Album at Elbingerode
On Observing a Blossom on the First of February, 1796
The Eolian Harp
To the Rev. George Coleridge
A Tombless Epitaph
This Lime-Tree Bower My Prison
To a Friend
To William Wordsworth
The Nightingale
Frost at Midnight
The Three Graves, Part III
The Three Graves, Part IV
Dejection: an Ode
Ode to Georgiana
Ode to Tranquillity
To a Young Friend
Lines to W. L
Addressed to a Young Man of Fortune
Sonnet to the River Otter
The Virgin's Cradle-Hymn
Epitaph on an Infant
Tell's Birth-Place
A Christmas Carol
Human Life
The Visit of the Gods
On Taking Leave of --, 1817
The Pang More Sharp Than All
Kubla Khan: or, a Vision in a Dream. A Fragment
Kubla Khan
The Pains of Sleep
Limbo, First version
Ne Plus Ultra

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