US college greek life reader

US college greek life reader

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Автор: Елена Луткова

Форматы: PDF

Издательство: Библио-Глобус

Год: 2019

Место издания: Москва

ISBN: 978-5-907063-53-2

Страниц: 136

Артикул: 79054

Возрастная маркировка: 16+

Электронная книга

Краткая аннотация книги "US college greek life reader"

Учебное пособие предназначено для развития умений и стратегий чтения, аудирования и говорения при чтении текстов жанра Creative Non-fiction, представляющих собой истории из жизни реальных людей, студентов Американских университетов, а также просмотре видео-кастов (vodcasts), которые в красках описывают такое культурное явление как система и функционирование греческих сообществ на Американском кампусе (US College Greek life). Задания пособия направлены на чтение текстов с разной степенью понимания содержания текстов (общее, избирательное, детальное), пополнение словарного запаса (Language Development), развитие умений говорения при пересказе краткого содержания текста (Summarizing), развитие лингвокультурологической компетенции обучающихся при изучении национально-маркированных единиц (Understanding Cultural Lacunas), обсуждении культурологической информации, присущей как родной, так и изучаемой культурам (Cultural perspective, Leads to Crosscultural Discussion), а также разработке лингвокультурологического поля для систематизации культурологических знаний обучающихся (Cultural Web).
Пособие включает дополнительный материал для изучения (Supplementary Materials) и лингвокультурологический глоссарий, содержащий ключевую культурологическую информацию про студенческие греческие сообщества на территории Американских университетов.
Пособие адресуется учащимся старших классов гуманитарного профиля (лингвистического), лицеев и гимназий, а также студентам языковых вузов.

Содержание книги "US college greek life reader"

VIDEO 1: The Basics of Going Greek: Greek Life surviving college
Part 1. The Stages of Going Greek: Rush, Pledging Process, Initiation
TEXT 1: Recruitment VS Rush (Robert J. Kerr )
TEXT 2: Pass It On (Author Unknown)
TEXT 3, 4: Decision of a Lifetime (Ellen Dunseth) /The Bond of Brotherhood (Gary D. Ballinger)
Part 2. Hazing as a Negative Aspect of Сollege Greek Life
TEXT 5: The Dead-Day Party at Sweet Auburn (Hank Nuwer)
VIDEO 2: Rites of Passage (A Thin Line: Wrongs of Passage)
Part 3. US College Greek Values
TEXT 6: Classmates, Friends, Sisters (Kristen K. Brumbergs)
Philantrophy: Fundraising
TEXT 7: You Are In It For Life (Chris Juhl)
TEXT 8: Look Within (Marguaret Murer)
TEXT 9: Fraternity: A Decision and Commitment (Paul M. Buckley)
Supplementary Materials
US College Greek Glossary

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Отрывок из книги US college greek life reader

39But Chad also wanted a social life. Before fall semester started he accepted a bid from Phi Delta Theta, an AU fraternity. Chad’s parents were against it because Chad's grades might suffer that would kill his chances of getting into a vet program. He might get paddled too. Chad enjoyed the fraternity’s life. Like the members of other social fraternities, the Phi Delts were ready to accept a member as long as he did whatever was required to get into the group. The fact that Chad was a community college outsider seemed to bother no one at the house. Cheating the system to pledge without AU administrators catching on wasn't hard. At the Phi Delta house Chad's pledgeship was kept secret because the school's written policy stated that «a rushee may not be for-mally pledged until enrolled at Auburn University». Besides, fraternities signed an anti-hazing policy agreement that made AU's campus «dry». Chad enjoyed many things about fraternity life. He enjoyed the company of other pledges, and he liked playing sports and attending AU football games. He also loved the campus, which was always green and had a sweet scent of flowers. The Phi Delt pledgeship gave him hope that some day he would belong at «Sweet Auburn». For Chad the fraterni-ty served as an anchor to Auburn's glorious past and present. Despite the anti-hazing policy, Phi Delt headquarters had learned that Phi pledges at AU were involved in hazing. Pledges were made to perform different rituals like sleeping crammed in a bathroom like packaged shrimp or eating and drinking unpleasant concoctions, large amounts of water and alcohol. Chad continued to pledge even after he had incurred a back injury […]. He hated to think that the hard work he had put into pledging would be wasted. In early December Chad […] had a fraternal order to buy a silly costume for the Phi Delt Christmas Party. The traditional chapter party was scheduled for the Thursday evening before «Dead Day», which marked the end of AU classes and ...

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