A Green Tulip

A Green Tulip

Автор: Irina Bilan

Форматы: EPUB, PDF

Издательство: Animedia Company

Год: 2018

Место издания: Прага

ISBN: 978-80-7499-309-1

Страниц: 51

Артикул: 32738

Возрастная маркировка: 6+

Электронная книга

Краткая аннотация книги "A Green Tulip"

«A Green Tulip» is a beautiful and romantic fairy-tale. This is a story of pure love, beauty and courage. A young artist presents an unknown old woman with his painting, and receives magic paints as a gift in return. Everything he depicts using these paints comes to life. The artist falls in love with a beautiful princess, but she is kidnapped by the evil and cunning Queen of the arid kingdom. The brave young man sets off on a dangerous journey in search of the princess. Subsequent events develop at a dizzying pace. At some point, it seems that nothing can help rescue the princess, but thanks to the small but brave flower elves, the good still wins!

Содержание книги "A Green Tulip"

Chapter One. Magic Paints
Chapter Two. A Bouquet of Peonies
Chapter Three. The Flower Ball
Chapter Four. Arid Kingdom
Chapter Five. Flower Fairies
Chapter Six. Droughty’s Castle
Chapter Seven. Brave Denis

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Отрывок из книги A Green Tulip

36Once Nestor finished drawing, the barrel turned real in an instant. Next to it on the ground there was a small ladle with a long handle. Nestor took the ladle and set to work: he began to water the barbed fence, and it turned into a soft green path.Nestor climbed the hill’s gentle slope up to the huge stone fence, behind which Droughty’s castle towered. The fence was several times taller than Nestor. There was not a single protrusion that he could grab onto. Nestor helplessly watched the impenetrable wall that seemed to be mocking his impotence. What did he do?! He was so close to Gabriela, but there was no chance of rescuing her! How could that be?! Nestor punched the wall desperately and fell to the ground.Suddenly he heard a rustle nearby. A big gray rat jumped out from under a heap of dry grass, ran to the wall and… disappeared. Nestor rushed to the spot where it had disappeared and saw the entrance to a hole. Nestor looked at his green-stone ring, and a cry of joy broke out from his chest.He will be able to overcome this wall! Nestor turned the ring to the left and said, “Grow smaller!”At that very moment he experienced the familiar feeling of falling. The dry grass near the stone wall now seemed huge. Nestor entered the hole with caution and slowly made his way along the wall of the dark tunnel. When his eyes adjusted to the darkness, Nestor saw a pale spot of light at the end of the tunnel and began to walk more confidently. Soon Nestor approached the door. Huge dry leaves were scattered everywhere. Nestor looked around, turned the ring to the right and said, “Grow larger!”And once again a warm wind blew, and Nestor grew to his usual size. In front of him stood Droughty’s castle made of brown stone. Now the castle did not look as grim as it did from far away. A dry garden was laid out around the castle: pale yellow stone paths were lined with small trees with round crowns. Farther on a flower ...