A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

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Автор: James Joyce

Форматы: PDF

Серия: Palmyra Classics

Издательство: Пальмира|Книга по Требованию

Год: 2017

Место издания: Санкт-Петербург | Москва

ISBN: 978-5-521-00192-7

Страниц: 189

Артикул: 12182

Возрастная маркировка: 12+

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Отрывок из книги A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man

Chapter I 27 dark wooden presses there where the crimped surplices lay quietly folded. It was not the chapel but still you had to speak under your breath. It was a holy place. He remembered the summer evening he had been there to be dressed as boat-bearer, the evening of the procession to the little altar in the wood. A strange and holy place. The boy that held the censer had swung it gently to and fro near the door with the silvery cap lifted by the middle chain to keep the coals lighting. That was called charcoal: and it had burned quietly as the fellow had swung it gently and had given off a weak sour smell. And then when all were vested he had stood holding out the boat to the rector and the rector had put a spoonful of incense in and it had hissed on the red coals. The fellows were talking together in little groups here and there on the playground. The fellows seemed to him to have grown smaller: that was because a sprinter had knocked him down the day before, a fellow out of second of grammar. He had been thrown by the fellow s machine lightly on the cinderpath and his spectacles had been broken in three pieces and some of the grit of the cinders had gone into his mouth. That was why the fellows seemed to him smaller and farther away and the goalposts so thin and far and the soft grey sky so high up. But there was no play on the football grounds for cricket was coming: and some said that Barnes would be the prof and some said it would be Flowers. And all over the playgrounds they were playing rounders and bowling twisters and lobs. And from here and from there came the sounds of the cricket bats through the soft grey air. They said: pick, pack, pock, puck: little drops of water in a fountain slowly falling in the brimming bowl. Athy, who had been silent, said quietly: — You are all wrong. All turned towards him eagerly. - W h y ? — Do you know? — Who told you? — Tell us, Athy. Athy pointed across the playground to where Simon Moonan was walking by himself k...

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