In the Midst of Life. Tales of Soldiers and Civilians

In the Midst of Life. Tales of Soldiers and Civilians

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Автор: Ambrose Bierce

Форматы: PDF

Издательство: Директ-Медиа

Год: 2003

Место издания: Москва

ISBN: 9785998932502

Страниц: 352

Артикул: 11660

Электронная книга

Содержание книги "In the Midst of Life. Tales of Soldiers and Civilians "

A Horseman in the Sky
An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge
A Son of the Gods
One of the Missing
Killed at Resaca
The Affair at Coulter's Notch
The Coup de Grвce
Parker Adderson, Philosopher
An Affair of Outposts
The Story of a Conscience
One Kind of Officer
One Officer, One Man
George Thurston
The Mocking-Bird
The Man out of the Nose
An Adventure at Brownville
The Famous Gilson Bequest
The Applicant
A Watcher by the Dead
The Man and the Snake
A Holy Terror
The Suitable Surroundings
The Boarded Window
A Lady from Redhorse
The Eyes of the Panther

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