Bugaboo Is Scared Herself

Bugaboo Is Scared Herself . Unscary Tales about Scary Bugaboo

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Автор: Ольга Колпакова

Форматы: EPUB, PDF

Издательство: Генри Пушель

Год: 2011

Место издания: Екатеринбург

ISBN: 978-5-9902091-7-6

Страниц: 44

Артикул: 32494

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Краткая аннотация книги "Bugaboo Is Scared Herself"

Olga Kolpakova’s books have held the attention of parents, teachers, and psychologists for quite a while. Entertaining Geography for Little Ones, Entertaining Nature Study, and Entertaining Biology have gone through several editions. This author had started out as the editor of the first magazine in Russia that offered educational games for children and parents. Two decades worth of gathered material about teaching a child through games allowed Olga to create a series of works that can be describes as “fairytale therapy.” Fairy tales from the Bugaboo Is Scared Herself series have been repeatedly published in different magazines. Stories from Bugaboo Is Scared Herself are fun to read, children will be happy to do it by themselves. The stories will help the reader to uncover their inner struggles, conflicts, overcome difficulties, shyness; they will explain proper ways to behave in a lively, creative form. However, it is best to read them with the parents. The tales will help the adult to look at the child and their problem from a new angle, and adult characters of the series will give examples of how certain difficulties can be solved in unconventional ways. Gradually, from one story to another, Bugaboo, the main character of the series any child can relate to, learns to behave, to share, to rejoice, to handle a quarrel, to help others, and not to be afraid. As the result, she comes to the conclusion that it is far better to be good than bad. Which does not stop Bugaboo from being herself. In 2010 Olga Kolpakova had received The Kind Lyre, a teacher appreciation award given by schoolchildren and educators of the city of Saint-Petersburg for manuscripts that make a valuable contribution to parenting. The stories are illustrated by Svetlana Prokopenko, a recipient of the Artists of the Cherished Dream award. The English translation of the series is provided by Laura Lond, an award-winning American writer of Russian descent. Having written numerous books for young readers herself, Laura has done her best to preserve the stories’ unique style and feel. The book is excellent for reading aloud to children.

Содержание книги "Bugaboo Is Scared Herself"

How Bugaboo changed her mind about being scary
How Bugaboo got scared
How Bugaboo almost became a greedy-guts
How Bugaboo stopped being capricious
How Bugaboo learned to play
How Bugaboo helped everyone
How Bugaboo got angry
How Bugaboo ran away from home
How Bugaboo became happy
How Bugaboo followed a schedule

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