Complete Poems. Conjectural «Ralegh Group» in «The Phoenix Nest»

Complete Poems. Conjectural «Ralegh Group» in «The Phoenix Nest»

Автор: Sir Raleigh

Форматы: PDF

Издательство: Директ-Медиа

Год: 2003

Место издания: Москва

ISBN: 9785998934834

Страниц: 123

Артикул: 11980

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Содержание книги "Complete Poems. Conjectural «Ralegh Group» in «The Phoenix Nest»"

Complete Poems
1. Walter Rawely of the middle Temple, in commendation of the Steele Glasse
2. Sweete ar the thovghtes, wher Hope persvadeth Happe
3. A Poem pvt into my Lady Laiton's pocket by Sir W. Rawleigh
4. An Epitaph vpon the right Honorable sir Philip Sidney knight
5. A Farewell to false Love
6. Anaphora, or the Figvre of Report
7. Epizevxis, the Vnderlay, or Coocko-Spell
8. Ploche, or The Dovbler
9. The Excvse
10. Praisd be Dianas faire and harmles light
11. Like to a Hermite poore
12. Farewell to the Covrt
13. A Vision vpon this conceipt of the Faery Qveene
14. Another of the same
15. The Advice
16. The Nimphs reply to the Sheepheard
17. A Poesie to prove affection is not love
18. Sir Walter Ralegh to the Qveen
19. To his Love when hee had obtained Her
20. A Poem of Sir Walter Rawleighs
21. As yov came from the holy land
22. If Synthia be a Qveene, a princes, and svpreame
23. My boddy in the walls captived
24. The 11th: and last booke of the Ocean to Scinthia
25. The end of the bookes, of the Oceans love to Scinthia
26. The Lie
27. The word of deniall, and the letter of fifty
28. On the Cardes, and Dice
29. Sir Walter Ravleigh to his sonne
30. The passionate mans Pilgrimage
31. On the Life of Man
32. A songe made by Sir Water Rawley
33. Epitaph on the Earl of Salisbvry
34. Vertve the best monvment
35. To the Translator of Lvcan
36. Metrical Translations
37. Conjectvral First Draft of the Petition to Qveen Anne
38. S. W. Raghlies Petition to the Qveene 1618
39. Conjectvral Fragment of another petition to Qveen Anne
40. These verses following were made by Sir Walter Ravleigh the night before he dyed and left att the Gate howse
41. Sir W. Raleigh, On the Snvff of a Candle the night before he died
Conjectural «Ralegh Group» in «The Phoenix Nest»
42. Feede still thy selfe, thov fondling with beliefe
43. My first borne love vnhappily conceived
44. The brainsicke race that wanton yovth ensves
45. Those eies which set my fancie on a fire
46. A Secret mvrder hath bene done of late
47. Sovght by the world
48. Hir face, Hir tong, Hir wit
49. What else is hell, bvt losse of blisfvll heaven?
50. Wovld I were chavng'd into that golden showre
51. Who plvcks thee down from hie desire poor hart?
52. Those eies that holds the hand of every hart
53. Who list to heare

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