Legal English: Advanced Level

Legal English: Advanced Level = Английский язык для юристов : углубленный курс

Книга 2

Автор: Евгений Попов

Форматы: PDF


Издательство: Директ-Медиа

Год: 2018

Место издания: Москва|Берлин

ISBN: 978-5-4475-2793-8

Страниц: 372

Артикул: 11547

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Краткая аннотация книги "Legal English: Advanced Level"

Учебное пособие предназначается для студентов-юристов, обучающихся по программе дополнительной квалификации «Переводчик в сфере профессиональной коммуникации». Цель данного пособия, состоящего из 3-х частей, — последовательное обучение студентов грамматике и правовой лексике английского юридического языка на основе аутентичных образовательных текстов, объединенных в двадцать девять тематических блоков, каждый из которых представляет собой самостоятельный учебный модуль. .

Содержание книги "Legal English: Advanced Level"

Unit 1. Property Law: Real Property
Types of Property
Real Property: Acquisition of Title
Possessory and Nonpossessory Interests in Real Property
Landlord-Tenant Relationship
Unit 2. Property Law: Personal Property
Personal Property
Intellectual Property: Copyrights
Intellectual Property: Industrial Property
Unit 3. Estate Planning
Estate Planning: Wills
Estate Planning: Probate Proceeding
Estate Planning: Trusts
Unit 4. Family Law
Legal Aspects of Marriage
Rights and Duties of Spouses
Parent-Child Relationship
Termination of Marriage Relationship
Unit 5. Forms of Business: Sole Proprietorships, Partnerships, and Limited Liability Companies
Forms of Business: Sole Proprietorships, Franchises and Partnerships
Forms of Business: Partnership. Text 1
Forms of Business: Partnership. Text 2
Forms of Business: Limited Partnerships and Limited Liability Companies
Unit 6. Forms of Business: a Corporation
Corporate Formation and Termination
Corporate Powers and Corporate Financing
Ownership of a Corporation: Shareholders
Management of a Corporation: Directors and Officers
Merger, Consolidation and Acquisitions
Government Regulation of Business: Antitrust Law
Unit 7. Labor Law
U.S. Labor Law
Employer-Employee Relationship
Government Involvement in Employment Relationships
Trade Unions and Industrial Relations
Unit 8. Agency Relationships
Agency Relationships: Formation
Agency Relationships: Duties and Rights
Liability in Agency Relationships
Unit 9. Money, Finance and Banking
Types of Financial Markets
Money, Financial Assets, Financial Transactions and Financial Institutions
Bank-Customer Relationship
Remedies for Repudiation of a Debt
Unit 10. Insurance
Principles of Insurance
Insurance Classification
Unit 11. Taxation
Tax Law
Kinds of Taxes
Taxpayer Rights and Obligations
Keys to Some Assignments

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Отрывок из книги Legal English: Advanced Level

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